Prompt Library
@Hana compile all I said for @Deep so he understands clearly
@Hana list all action points
Hana will automatically consider what she knows about your business.
@Hana make a decision for us. What is best for your business?
This assumed you have added this in the memories.
@Hana What is our company's primary color?
Sometimes Hana will only guide or give an overview. Insist her to tell you exact actionable steps and do not assume you know things.
@Hana Don't just guide me, tell me exactly what to do as if I am a beginner
@Hana Clarify this to me, think deeply
@Hana, what is the latest version of JS?
@Hana explain this to @Santhosh
@Hana What is your opinion in this conversation? Explain it to @Santhosh. Is @Deep saying the right thing?
@Hana We are trying to integrate GA4 on our website. Help us get started.
@Hana, share a productivity hack to help me manage my tasks better.
Hana will automatically consider your brand guidelines assuming you have added those in memories and will automatically analyse the attached images in history and respond.
@Hana, @Pranay has created this new UI. Does it align with our brand identity?
@Hana, Which design is better 1 or 2 and why?
@Hana, Our project version of Node is 20, is this the latest? What is the lates LTS version?
@Hana, recheck, I don't think what @Deep said is correct.
@Hana, what is the issue in this thread? Is this resolved?
@Hana Dry run this.
userDetails: UserDocument,
isGlobal: boolean,
): boolean {
const role = userDetails.role;
if (isGlobal && role === ROLES.SUPER_ADMIN) {
return true;
} else if (
!isGlobal &&
(role === ROLES.ADMIN ||
) {
return true;
return false;
- Image generation
- Image QnA
- Multiple images in chat history or thread are supported for QnA
- New features and a new model coming up soon! - Keep an eye out
/generateImage Generate an image of a logo for a yoga teaching group. The name is Peace Haven. Try and follow minimalism.
/imageIntelligence Check the SS of this PR comment. What does this mean? Possible fix?
Google Docs
- Google Docs QnA
- Multiple docs in chat history or thread are supported for QnA
/docs Hana, give me an executive summary of this doc. QC this for factual and grammatical correctness. What is the final quotation from our end?
- Create quick reminders using natural language
- Hana will automatically account for your timezone
- She will take chat history into context as well
/remind Hana remind me to review pending PRs at 5 pm.
/remind Remind @Santhosh to meet with @Pranay for design clarity tomorrow morning.
/remind Remind @Santhosh of this in 2 hours.
/remind Remind me again EOD
/remind Remind me to follow up on this next week
Google Calendar
- Create quick meetings with your colleagues using natural language
- QnA on your calendar events
/calendar Does my week look busy?
/calendar Suggest me a time to relax today and perhaps go for a walk
/calendar What meeting is happening right now? Give me the meet link.
/calendar schedule a meet between me and @shamshad for this at 5 pm tomorrow.
/calendar schedule a meet between me and @santhosh for resolving conversion tracking issue in Google Ads in 3 hours
/calendar schedule a meet between me, @santhosh and @deep for tech discussion about your security next Friday morning.
/calendar when is the Hana webinar next month? It is sometime in the second week. I do not exactly remember.
- Quickly add memory snippets right from Google Chat
/memory Hana remember that the url for Hana Dashboard is
/memory Remember this guideline I just gave to @shamshad for creating upwork proposals.
- Multiple PDFs in chat history or thread are supported for QnA
/pdf Check this quotation we made, is this correct? Highlight key info for me to cross check.
/pdf Check this policy. Write is short, simple, easy to understand bullet points on what we need to comply with it.
/pdf The candidate submitted this assignment. Rate it from 1-10. Highlight issues and their location.
- QnA over web pages content
- Multiple web pages in chat history or thread are supported for QnA
- YouTube Videos QnA
- Multiple videos in chat history or thread are supported for QnA
/browse Hana, check this blog we recently published for factual and grammatical correctness. Rate this from 1-10 based on content quality. Highlight the exact places where changes are needed. Have we missed out on critical SEO keywords as per our marketing strategy?
/browse Hana, in this YouTube video, where has the author talked about conversion tracking using GTM?
/browse what is the most influential and impactful learning from this YouTube video?
/browse summarize this video and highlight all critical steps with video timestamps.
- QnA over Google Meet recordings with transcript
- Without transcript the QnA will not be possible
- You need to paste the meeting link and time for the context to be fetched
/meet I missed this google meet. Can you create a digest for me? Did @Santhosh talk about the importance of LCP time for a web page?
/meet Rate everyone's participation in the meet from 1-10 based on their contribution to the discussion.
/meet create a guideline doc for this KT session for Notion
/lookback Hana, compile what happened in this group today, what are the AIs on me?