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Timezone Handling

  • Hana automatically fetches your time zone from your primary Google Calendar
  • This is critical for time based actions such as when setting reminders, such as:
    • /remind Hana remind me to call @Santhosh tomorrow at 5 PM
    • Now in this example, 5 PM will be different for everyone based on where they are in the world, this is why we need your timezone to understand how to perform such actions relevant to your location in the world

Checkout the /remind command. It is one of the most used commands of Hana! Can help setup reminders for you or others with a simple prompt. Hana will also mail you and the people for whom reminders are set.

  • We are also planning to allow timezone to be changed from Hana Dashboard and that will be given priority over Google Primary Calendar - This is coming soon

  • Hana also has information about your current time and you can say things like:

@Hana what is the time right now?
@Hana what time will it be 3 hours from now

Here, EOD means end of day. She will automatically understand and schedule a reminder for 5 PM (your time) or similar.

/remind remind me to follow up on this EOD