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Common Memory Module Information

Centralized Memory Bank

Hana's memory module acts as a centralized memory bank for her. Here you can add everything that she needs to know about you or remember. She will automatically use relevant information from this entire module when answering your questions or generating her responses.

Keep the Memory Module Clean and Updated

It is advisable to keep the memory bank as clean and updated as possible for good responses. A lot of irrelevant information can cause Hana to hallucinate and provide sub-par responses that might have high chance of being incorrect.

Ingest One Memory Batch at a Time

Ingest one memory at a time. Ingesting several can cause delays and increase rate of ingestion failure.

Example of Memory Bank Usage

  • Let us say you have added a Recursive URL Memory of your company's services page.

  • Let us also say that you have ingested a PDF or a Google Doc where the cost of each service is written.

  • Also, you have added a text memory where you have written some references of past projects you have quoted

  • Now you can simply ask in your sales chat space:

@Hana we have got a new client who is looking for building a kiosk management platform for his business. What shall we quote him? Think deeply.
  • Hana in this scenario will consider her memory bank and will understand the cost of this particular service and consider past projects to generate a response that aligns with your business

  • This might not be the final quote, but it will give you a great starting point

  • Other questions you can ask in this scenario:

@Hana do we offer custom mobile app development? What frameworks do we prefer for that?
@Hana What is our usual quotation for chatbot development?
/pdf Can you cross check this quote? Does it sound reasonable to you?
@Hana What services does Hanabi offer?

Understanding Ingestion Status

Each memory entry has an Ingestion Status that tracks its progress. This applies to all memory modules, including General Memory, Google Doc Memory, etc.

IN_PROGRESS: The memory is being processed.


INGESTED: The memory has been successfully processed and is ready for use.



For long entries, there might be a delay before the ingestion status updates to INGESTED.

Memory Status Lifecycle

Memory entries are categorized based on their age:

  • FRESH: Entries less than 7 days old.

  • ACTIVE: Entries between 7 and 30 days old.

  • STALE: Entries older than 30 days.



You are encouraged to update STALE entries to ensure Hana continues to provide high-quality responses.

Automatic Memory Resyncing

Coming Soon

At the moment, we do not have automatic resyncing. You will have to manually click the resync button to re-digest the memory with updates details. For example, if your Google Doc has changed, you will have to manually resync it for Hana to understand the new information and take it into context.

  • This is coming soon
  • This will enable automatic resync of your ingested memories that depend on an external source such as Google Docs, URLs etc. at least once per day or at a frequency of your choosing