Zapier will probably be one of the most practical ways to utilize Hana. Powerful automations are possible with Zapier and Hana is fully live on Zapier - Check out Hana on Zapier.
Generate API Key For Zapier
- You can connect Zapier or generate an API key for Zapier through Hana Dashboard Zapier Connector
- At the moment this key is valid indefinitely unless you disconnect from the dashboard, in which case it will become invalid
The API key will be shown only once. Make sure you copy it and store it in a safe place. Do not share your API key with anyone who does not need to have access to it. If you feel the key has been compromised. Disconnect
Automations With Zapier
Several automations are possible such as:
- Notion DB Overview Sent in Google Chat
- Very helpful to get an alignment or gist of what tasks are pending
- Hana will auto suggest tasks she thinks are critical
- YouTube Channels Stats Sent in Google Chat
- Weekly Rundown of Report Group Updates
- Very useful to summarize what the team did in a report group probably named daily_standup
- Daily Reminder for People to Add Updates in Report Groups
- Ask the team members to add updates in a report group such as daily_standup
- Can help track team progress, contributions and lookback on key contributions and highlight key contributors
- Reply to Labelled Mail Automatically, Notify POCs
- Hanabi uses it to auto-reply to manual verification request mails and notify devs in the Google Chat space to take action
- Digest Notion DB Updates in a Report Group for QnA
- Create Google Chat Message Asking Everyone to Join Meet Before it Starts
- Very helpful as it pings everyone to join a meet 5 minutes before it starts
- People can reply in the thread whether they will join or not