Recursive URL Memory
Please remember that recursive URLs memories are only meant for information web pages such as documentation, company landing pages and similar. Do not try and ingest pages with large number of sub-pages such as e-commerce sites and similar as this can cause the batch to fail most likely and lead to memory bank pollution.
- Recursive URL memory will allow Hana to digest single URLs or URL and its sub-URLs up to a depth of 3
Recursive URL Depth of 3
When the checkbox for digesting all sub-pages is checked while creating memory batch, sub-pages up to a depth of 3 will be ingested by Hana. Note - This can take some time so keep coming back to dashboard to check for status. Hana will also mail you once the batch is ingested (coming soon!).
- Level 1
- Level 2
- Level 3
Try not to digest pages which may have been included in the sub pages already cause this will lead to duplicate memories which can affect response quality. At the moment we have a duplication check on Level 1 URL only.
Accessing Recursive URL Memory
Navigate to the Memory section from the left sidebar.
Click on the Recursive URL Memory tab to view all URL memories.
Recursive URL Memory Sections
In the Recursive URL Memory tab, you can:
View URL Memory Batch Entries : See a list of connected Google Docs with details such as ingestion status, status, creator, and last synced date.
Add New URL Memory: Connect a new URL memory for Hana to process and remember.
- Optionally choose to ingest sub-pages or not
Sync or Delete URL Memory Batch Entries: Manage existing entries by syncing or removing them as needed.
COPY: Copies the main ingestion URL, allowing you to view it by pasting the link into a new browser tab.
Adding a New URL Memory
Click the + INGEST URL button.
Provide the starting URL
Select whether you want to ingest sub-pages or not
Click the Submit button.
The ingestion status will initially show as IN_PROGRESS, which updates to INGESTED once the processing is complete.
Syncing a Recursive URL Memory
Locate the memory batch in the memory list.
Click the SYNC button to manually update the memory with the latest content from the URL.
Hana will delete all existing memories associated with the URL batch and re-ingest once again from scratch
The Last Synced At field updates to reflect the latest sync time.
Deleting Memory Entries
Use the corresponding Delete option for a specific entry.
Deleting removes the selected URL memory batch and all its sub-pages (if it was selected to ingest sub pages) details from Hana's memory.